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Address Martín de Zamora 6101, Office 1, Las Condes, Santiago RM, Chile
30+ Years of Service
Ports in Chile:
Arica, Iquique, Patillo, Patache, Tocopilla, Mejillones, Antofagasta, Coloso, Huasco, Caldera, Chañaral, Los Vilos, Coquimbo, Guayacán, Quintero, Ventanas, Valparaiso, San Antonio, Talcahuano, Coronel, San Vicente, Corral, Puerto Montt, Calbuco, Punta Arenas
Ports in Uruguay:
Montevideo, Nueva Palmira, Fray Bentos, Colonia, Juan Lacaze, Paysandú, Salto
PTR Holland Pilot Ladder
Made of Hardwood. Certificates of: Marine Equipment Directive (M.E.D.) 1045 (27) DNV-GL Requirements: Solas 74 Convention as amended, Regulations V/23, X/3 IMO Resolution A.1045(27) IMO MSC/Circ. 1428 ISO 799 (2004)…
PTR Holland Bulwark Ladder
Our bulwark ladders are made of the finest quality seawater-resistant aluminium. Made in Europe. Special dimensions can be made on request. Complete with class certificates.
PTR Holland Wharf Ladder
Wharf ladders are made of the finest quality seawater resistant aluminium and are available in various standard sizes up to 20 meters. Made in Europe. This solid construction features heavy…